Sunday, 1 April 2012

Death Guard Paint Scheme

I've been longing to do a Nurgle themed army ever since I got in contact with the wargaming hobby. Neither can I really tell why I haven't done one yet - okay, maybe because almost every army has a certain appeal to me - nor do I exactly know why I want to start one right now. Maybe it is because the whispers about a new Codex: Chaos Legions are getting louder or because I almost never used my green paints. I don't know, but I want one.

But if I was to start a Death Guard/Nurgle Daemon army, then I wanted to know what I had to expect while painting it. I am a slooow painter, so I need an easy but effective paint scheme. I tried to remember some tutorials I once read about painting Death Guard armour (might have been from Warseer - don't know which one it was), grabbed a spare miniature and came up with this:

  1. Prime the miniature with a white spray primer (black primer might be too dark)
  2. Paint the whole armour of the miniature with bubonic brown until it is evenly covered (don't leave any white spots on the armour). You could also airbrush the miniature and save some time.
  3. Wash the miniature with Thrakka Green (don't save on colour here).
  4. Wash the miniature with Gryphonne Sepia (again, don't be greedy with the wash)
  5. Lightly drybrush the miniature with Rotting Flesh.

It is really easy to do and the result looks good (if you're into the Nurgle look).

After steps 3 and 4 you are going to have to white a while until the wash is dry. It is good to know this beforehand and I recommend you to do several miniatures at once, thus optimising the whole painting process.

When finished, all you need to do is paint the details. I am going to do another tutorial on this, when I have actually started with my Death Guard army (maybe this summer). Until then, expect a few posts in which I am going to look for possible bitz and miniatures for this army.

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