Monday, 9 April 2012

Daemon Prince of Chaos (W.I.P.)

I hope you enjoyed your weekend and found all your Easter eggs!

Today, I want to show you my Daemon Prince of Chaos. I've built this guy about two years ago and didn't paint him much over the time. Maybe that's because the model is definitely going to be the army's centerpiece and I don't want to mess this up. I'm telling you how to build the metal Daemon Prince because I don't like the new plastic version of the model which looks too much like a cartoon figure to me.

My winged Daemon Prince

Here is what you need to build a metal winged Daemon Prince of Chaos, spiced with some hints for building the miniature:
  • Metal Daemon Prince of Chaos
  • Metal Wings from the Greater Daemon of Tzeentch
  • Green Stuff for the hood and to fill the gap between shoulders and wings
  • Important: The wings need to be pinned to the Daemon Prince miniature. Without pinning and probably a lot of green stuff, the prince won't be winged for long ;-)
Apart from pinning the wings to the miniature, building a Daemon Prince like this one is pretty straightforward. Still, I can't decide if I'm going to paint him in the colours of my Dire Wolves or in the colours of the Death Guard legion I'm about to start building this year. My Dire Wolves are linked to the Space Wolves chapter, so I'd rather go with the concept of many great leaders, i.e. a lot of mighty Chaos Lords and Sorcerers. With his angelic wings and the moody hood, I find that this Daemon Prince would go well with a Death Guard army. What do you think?

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