
Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Hello everybody!

Another wargaming blog hits this universe. I am a 25 year old communication science student from Germany and currently married to my master thesis. In order to stay sane and to show off my miniatures outside my local gaming club, I decided to write about this hobby of mine.

So, what's to be expected in this blog? I am going to post pictures of my armies and the thoughts behind them. From time to time I want to write tutorials about modeling and painting aspects of the hobby.

I got lots of material that I want to post. But it is going to take a while, because first I want to take decent photos of my miniatures (building a photo box at the moment) and then I need to transform my thoughts into more or less proper English. Yes, English, which is not my mother tongue. I am doing this in order to practise my foreign language skills and to make my tutorials and stories accessible to a broader audience.

The next articles will be about my own traitor marine chapter. Stay tuned for more!

By the way: This blog is called "Bawaaaghria" because I am from Bavaria. Not because I play orcs. I like them nonetheless, hence the name :-)

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