
Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Now on Facebook!

I decided to create a Facebook page for this site for several reasons:

  1. I feel more obliged to create new content when I receive direct feedback via likes and comments.
  2. Some of my friends don't visit this blog very often (and apparently nobody uses RSS feed readers anymore). On Facebook they won't miss any updates.
  3. I can throw in the occasional picture or comment, even if it doesn't qualify for a whole article.
  4. It doesn't hurt to gain a few new readers :-)
When my friends comment on news articles on Facebook in German, I will - of course - respond in German. Apart from that I will keep writing in English, so that everybody will be more or less able to understand me :-)

The Facebook page is public and anything posted by me there will directly appear on Twitter too. You can either follow me on Twitter (why aren't you already? ;-)) or check the Twitter feed on the right.

PS: I'm still trying to get everything (the blog, the Twitter feed and the Facebook page) in sync and stable. Until then, there might be double posts and other technical inconveniences - just FYI :-)

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Aeronautica Imperialis: Eldar Nightwing (Craftworld Alaitoc)

Since I took a break for two months, I feel a real urge to write a bunch of new tutorials and guides. I want to start of with a model I finished yesterday: An Eldar Nightwing from the Alaitoc Craftworld for Aeronautica Imperialis (I have to catch up since my friends' Tau and Imperial fleets are growing fast). I only used basic layering technique to paint this model. In a nutshell: You start out with your darkest paints and paint the brighter ones atop with leaving the darker paint visible in order to create depth. So here is how I did it (from darkest to brightest paints, the ratios are rough estimates):

  • Blues: Regal Blue/Chaos Black (3:1), Regal Blue, Regal Blue/Enchanted Blue (1:1), Enchanted Blue, Enchanted Blue/Ice Blue (1:1), Ice Blue
  • Yellows: Snakebite Leather, Snakebite Leather/Golden Yellow (1:1), Golden Yellow, Golden Yellow/Skull White (1:1), Golden Yellow/Skull White (1:4)
  • Bone coloured: Snakebite Leather, Bleached Bone, Bleached Bone/Skull White (1:1), Skull White
  • Metal: Boltgun Metal, Chainmail, wash with Badab Black
  • Gemstones: Chaos Black (all of the gem), Scab Red (3/4 of the gem), Blood Red (1/2 of the gem), Blood Red/Golden Yellow (1/4 of the gem), Skull white (tiny dot in the 1/4 that was left black)

This model is not at all hard to paint. Except for the yellow (I bet it took more than ten layers of paint) all other colours go on really smooth. So, there's only three more Nightwings, two Phoenix and one Vampire Raider left to paint. Stay tuned ;-)

Eldar Nightwing from the Alaitoc Craftworld

Eldar Nightwing upside down

I am back!

A lot of time passed since my last article. I'm sorry for that, but I simply lacked the motivation to do anything wargaming related - be it painting or writing about it (the European Football Championship didn't help much). I now want to start again, in a slower rhythm so that I am able to publish new articles more regularly. I am surprised however that, although I didn't post anything in the last two months, people still read my gallery and tutorial articles. Thanks guys!